Healthy Eating Habits in a Fast-Paced World

This article originally appeared on Frontdoor News.

Healthy Eating Habits in a Fast-Paced World

Food is a cornerstone to life. Of course we need it for nourishment, but it’s also enjoyable, comforting and a great tool for bringing people together. With food being such a fundamental component of life, it can also be easy to overindulge in it.

If you’re like me – always thinking about your next meal – you might have a tendency to eat and want great food. There’s nothing wrong with that at all, but when it becomes troublesome is when we overindulge. There are a few tips and tricks that can be implemented to help you bypass the extra calories without forgoing a satisfying meal.

Many nutritionists suggest, and I happen to agree, that one of the top adversaries to healthy eating is our hectic lives. Eating on the go, and not sitting down to let the body register that food is being consumed can lead to bad food choices and overeating.

So, for instance, if you cave to that afternoon craving, don’t eat it in the car when you’re driving. If you have a favorite restaurant that serves good snack foods and appetizers, go in, sit at the bar, and order your favorite small dish. This option is healthier for you and gives you that much needed 10 or 15 minute break in the average person’s busy day.

In the end though, finding something that works for you is key. For instance, my wife leaves just a small portion of food aside on each plate she has throughout the day. In her mind, she’s leaving 300 to 400 calories out of her diet on a daily basis, thus preventing her from gaining weight. What you do with the leftovers is your business. Alternatively you could ask your dining companion to split a dish with you, try scaling back on a recipe to yield a smaller portion, or ask your server if they offer half portions.

However, not everyone has the willpower of my wife to leave perfectly delicious food on the table. I was once witness to a friend who, near the end of our meal, poured packets of sugar all over the gooey, cheesy, deliciousness on their plate. I was appalled and verbalized my disgust, to which they replied, “Yes, I know. Now I won’t eat it.” Like I said, whatever works!

Another great tip for eating less is to ask for to-go boxes at the beginning of the meal. Once you’ve eaten to taste, put the leftovers immediately in the to-go box and push it to the side of the table. This way you’re not picking at your food, and eating past the point of being full while waiting.
My number one tip: opt for smaller portions spaced out over time. Your body will have time to register the food and you will know when you’re full before it’s too late.

Feel free to share your own tips and tricks with us. We’d love to hear from you. Cheers, and happy eating…within reason!

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